Base64 Encode

The Base64 encode tool is designed to convert the text, image, hex, or binary data into Base64 format with advanced options.

Input Type:

Drag and Drop Image Here:

Drop image

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How Does the Base64 Encode Tool Work?

To encode the text, file, or binary data into Base64, follow the steps below:

  1. First, select the input type between text, image, hex, or binary.
  2. Now enter or paste your data corresponding to the selected type. For example, if you select a text string, enter the text data. If you select binary, enter the binary data in the input box. The Base64 converter also provides the 'Open File' button to import the file from the local storage.
  3. For image file, either you can upload the file or drag and drop the image.
  4. Press the 'Encode' button to get the Base64 encoded result.
  5. Lastly, you can copy the final output or export it using the 'Save' button.